Презентація на тему «The Boy Scouts»

The Boy Scouts

Scouting - worldwide youth movement involved in physical, spiritual and mental development of young people so that young people can take a constructive place in society. The Scout Association is voluntary, apolitical , independent.

Scout method of education, as does the movement founded in the UK in the early twentieth century by Colonel Robert Baden-Powell.

Special signs in the form of patches, which is a scout on your form, indicate its achievements and varying Scout "specialty", for example, in a chef fact, first aid, sports improvement, etc.

Scouts all over the world shake hands left and not the right hand, which is a sign of special friendship and faith. The reason is that the left hand is closer to the heart.
Scout motto - "Be prepared!"

Scout emblems of different organizations may differ materially. But they all have a mandatory element - lily (trefoil).

Currently scouting has more than 38 million members in 217 countries and territories represented through several Scout associations at the international level.

Currently scouting has more than 38 million members in 217 countries and territories represented through several Scout associations at the international level.

Currently scouting has more than 38 million members in 217 countries and territories represented through several Scout associations at the international level.