Презентація на тему «London zoo»

London zoo

London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo. It was opened in London on 27 April 1828.

Today it houses a collection of 755 species of animals, with 16,802 individuals, making it one of the largest collections in the United Kingdom.

Butterfly Paradise
Opened in May 2006, Butterfly Paradise houses several different species of butterfly and moth from around the world, as well as plant species specially selected to provide nectar and breeding areas for the insects

Butterfly Paradise
Opened in May 2006, Butterfly Paradise houses several different species of butterfly and moth from around the world, as well as plant species specially selected to provide nectar and breeding areas for the insects

African Bird Safari
The African Bird Safari opened in 2005 as a redevelopment of the old stork and ostrich house, replacing three enclosures that were out of date by modern zoo-keeping standards.

African Bird Safari
The African Bird Safari opened in 2005 as a redevelopment of the old stork and ostrich house, replacing three enclosures that were out of date by modern zoo-keeping standards.

The Reptile House
One of London Zoo's most well-known buildings the Reptile House opened in 1927.

The Reptile House
One of London Zoo's most well-known buildings the Reptile House opened in 1927.

The Aquarium
There has been an aquarium at the Zoo since 1853, the Zoo's first aquarium was also the world's first public aquarium.

The Aquarium
There has been an aquarium at the Zoo since 1853, the Zoo's first aquarium was also the world's first public aquarium.

Mammals was opened in 2009 and is home to five Galapogos giant tortoises.

Mammals was opened in 2009 and is home to five Galapogos giant tortoises.

By Nastya Aldakimova