Презентація на тему «Healthy lifestyle» (варіант 5)
Слайд #1
Healthy lifestyle
yчениця 11-А класу
Дублянської ЗОШ I-III ступенів
Куциняк Богдана
Слайд #2
Physical culture
Bad Habits
Health Foods
Слайд #3
Physical culture
Physical culture is football basketball volleyball and other games
Fitness is an integral part of human life.
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We must :
1.Wash hands
2.Use personal care products
3.wear clean clothes
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4.Kept clean house
5.Comply healthy diet
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Bad Habits
Bad habits is :
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Health Foods
In the food must be many vitamins.
This is the fruits.
It is vegetables.
Do not eat fast food and fatty foods!
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Hardening is prevention of various diseases.
It is pouring cold or ice water.
Eating Ice Cream is also hardening.
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Thank you for attention