Презентація на тему «Family relationships» (варіант 1)

Family relationships

“Having a place to go - is a home. Having someone to love - is a family. Having both - is a blessing.”

Family means love, trust, communication, being together, sharing, understanding, listening, caring and space.Family values are deservedly praised (extolled). A well-functioning family is a microcosm of society as it should work.

Unfortunately, the contemporary (awful) habits of socialization and work have surely misled our attitudes towards living by a harmonious family relationship.

According to me, the main reason behind such a formal family relationship is the lack of emotional assistance among the family members. This emotional bonding makes one to hinge onto other family members for their affective nourishment.

Being deficient of this emotional wanting, the member now moves outwards in the society for accomplishing the same need. This makes him/her more vulnerable and thus psychically broken.

Other reason for family formality is greed for money wherein a member leaves behind all the family values for achieving materialistic dreams. Moreover, family members are prone to disintegrate very often as and when they become self-independent by all means. Disintegration is not a problem, but lack of family oneness is surely a big problem.

For bringing families together, there are primarily three things that are worth mentioning.

1) Having a lifelong commitment for living by a sense of trust and honor with other family members.

2) Seeing Eye to eye on main topics, along with ability to compromise on areas of disagreement. There must be open honest communication about important matters such as financial planning, how to spend free time, what sort of social ties to emphasize, etc.

3) Practicing mutual love - an abiding, deep warmth and affection towards other family members. A love that smiles at each other's imperfections, not scorns them. A love that is eager to serve.

Hence to sum up, there lays a big responsibility on each individual family member to practically maintain the family bonding no matter what outer forces influence him/her to break such a heaven's gift.