Презентація на тему «Education» (варіант 1)


Ways of work

To call the roll

To get trained for future life

To follow the rules

To gain social skills

To absorb information

To stuff head with facts

To hit the books

To brush up on smth.

To crack a book

To have nose in a book

To catch up to

To brainstorm

to learn by heart

To pass with flying colors

To play hooky

To cut classes


To hand in

to hand out

To trace with finger

To take notes

To interpret the meaning

To benefit from…

To verbalize questions

Emphasize key points

To envision the topic




Eager beaver

Walking dictionary

Walking encyclopedia

Academically oriented

Above average

Teacher's pet


It's never late to learn

An idle brain is devil's workshop

In doing we learn

Like teacher, like pupil

He, who makes no mistake, learns nothing

Money spent on brain is never spent in vain