Презентація на тему «Borrowings in the modern Ukrainian language»
Англіцизми в сучасній українській мові
Borrowings in the modern Ukrainian language
are words adopted by the speakers of one language from a different language (the source language).
the use of borrowings and slang in everyday communication
the peculiarities of their usage in spoken conversation.
The subject of my investigation
to discover the role of borrowings and slang in Modern Ukrainian language
find out positive and negative points of its influence
to point out the main reasons of appearance of this phenomena.
to classify slang words
The aim of the investigation
techniques: блюмінг, бульдозер, буфер,
politics, economics and trade: банкнота, блеф, блокада, бойкот, бюджет
sports: аут, бокс, боксер, волейбал
army: аут, бокс, боксер, волейбал
cloths: велвет, джемпер, піджак,піжама
food and drinks: біфштекс, кекс, пудинг
culture: гумор, джаз, клоун, клуб,
Spheres, where we use borrowed words
The reason why the words are borrowed into language :.
Ukrainian language don't have this words in its language, so they are borrowed and not assimilated
To replace describing phrase by phrase by one word
To give detailed information about subject that already exists in the language
words or phrases, which are used by people of different specialty or class layer
slang words we divide according to the sphere of its usage:
Things of everyday usage: cloths, food, money, colors
Computer technologies,
Emotions, reaction
Denoting people according to age and gender, relative boundaries
Sphere of culture
Self-development, methods
Thank you for attention!
Burkalo Nikoletta