Презентація на тему «Austrlian Animal»


Some Australian animals are extremely unique and special but when you grow up here you don't realise that, of course.
Growing up in the outback around Tibooburra New South Wales we saw a lot of them but we didn't really see anything special about them.... To us they were just something we saw every day. (People who were born in Australia)
Tibooburra New South Wales

There are variety of species unique to Australia ... everyone in the world knows what an Australian Kangaroo looks like, and who doesn't love the Koala? or isn't a little freaked out by the Platypus and then there's the cute little Bilby, the adorable Quokka, and, of course our Snakes and Lizards, which most Aussie's are secretly proud of.... even if they say different!
Since mankind's existence in Australia a lot of different animals have been introduced and are now roaming around feral ... animals like the Camel, the Rabbit and the hideous Cane Toad. The first introduced animal was the Dingo which has been here for thousands of years.

The European settlers deliberately released many different animals into the Australian native bush. Other domestic animals have escaped and now have large populations roaming the Australian outback ... all of which are creating problems for our native Australian animals.

Australian bilby
The Bilby is one of our cutest Australian animals. Bilbies used to cover about 70% of the Australian mainland but the introduction of new predators, such as feral cats and foxes, and land clearance has caused a dramatic decline in their numbers and their range. In fact, one species, the Lesser Bilby is believed to be extinct, with the last record of it being in the 1930's, the other, the Greater Bilby, survives but remains endangered.

Camels in australia
Camels in Australia are Dromedary Camels. Thousands of camels were imported into Australia between 1840 and 1907. Australian Camels have a wide range, from South Australia through the Northern Territory and well into Western Australia, there have also been Camels reported in Northern New South Wales and Queensland.Australia has the worlds largest population of feral Camels and are the only feral herds of their kind in the world.

Australian dingo
The Dingo is Australia's wild dog. Dingoes are an introduced species - opinions on when the Dingo came to Australia vary greatly, and range from 15,000 to 2,000 years ago. Dingoes are found on the mainland of Australia but about a third of all wild Dingoes in the south east of the continent are Dingo/domestic dog crosses.The Dingo normally weighs between 10kg and 24kg, they stand between 44cm and 63cm high to the shoulder.

The Short-beaked Echidna is one of the most wide spread Australian animals and is the only species of Echidna in Australia. The Short-beaked Echidna, along with the Platypus, is a member of the monotreme family (mammals that lay eggs). The echidna is shy and moves slowly and carefully, if it feels threatened or is disturbed it will dig its way into the ground leaving only its spines visible.The Short-beaked Echidna is common and widespread.

The Numbat is also known as the Banded Anteater and Walpurti and is a unique looking Australian animal. Before European settlement they were found over a lot of Australia. The Numbat is a carnivorous marsupial.
Numbats are marsupial mammals and are one of the few marsupials that are active during the day. They time their activity with that of the termites: in winter they usually feed from mid-morning to mid-afternoon; in summer they take shelter during the heat of the day, and feed in the morning and again in the late afternoon.
Each one consumes about 20,000 termites a day.

Australian snakes
Snakes are found all over Australia. There are about 140 species of land snakes in Australia.About 100 snakes in Australia are venomous, of these 12 are more likely to be life threatening if you are bitten. A venomous snake is a snake that uses modified saliva, venom, delivered through fangs in its mouth, to immobilize or kill its prey. The deadliest snakes found in Australia include Brown Snakes, Death Adders, Red-bellied Black Snakes, Taipan Snakes, Copperheads, and Tiger Snakes.Snakes vary in size and weight, although they have the same basic body structure.

Red kangaroo
The Red Kangaroo is the largest of all the Kangaroos. The male can be 2 metres tall and weigh 90kg. They are also the largest mammal in Australia and the largest living marsupial in the world.
They are the most well known of our Australian animals.
The Red Roo is the largest of all the Kangaroos, it is also the largest mammal that is native to Australia, and the world's largest surviving marsupial.
The male has a red brown fur. The females are a bluish grey. In the more arid parts of Australia the females may be coloured more like the males. The males can be up to 2 metres tall and weigh up to 90 kilograms. The females are quite a bit smaller, with an average weight around 26 kilograms.

Thank you for attention !
Presentation by :
Keep calm
save the nature
Anton Stavruk
Revenko Dmytro, Sereda Katerina, Yedygaryan Karina, Levishenko Ludmila